
Moisturizing dry and sensitive skin ten mixtures ... try it

 Moisturizing dry and sensitive skin ten mixtures ... try it

Moisturizing dry and sensitive skin ten mixtures ... try it

With today's recipes, you can moisturize dry skin and take great care of it without cost. There are many reasons behind dry skin such as weather, sun exposure, hot shower and we show you the 10 best natural recipes for moisturizing dry and sensitive skin. To get rid of dry skin that makes the face pale and dull. It is necessary to provide hydration for your skin to look healthy.

The skin is one of the very sensitive elements in the body as every part of the body is covered with skin, so it is necessary to take care of it and protect it from toxins and external elements. As a result, it becomes more at risk of disease than any other part of the body. Among these problems, dry skin is very common and affects the level of your beauty and self-confidence.

In the summer, dry skin becomes significantly more dehydrated, so today we have brought some mixtures that significantly moisturize dry and sensitive skin. Which:

First: Moisturizing dry and sensitive skin with a moisturizing aloe vera mixture.

Melt half a cup of beeswax with two tablespoons of jojoba oil. Then the mixture is left to cool for an hour. After the mixture cools, a third of a cup of aloe vera or aloe vera gel is added, two tablespoons of sweet almond oil, and ten drops of any essential oil to give a pleasant smell.

Second: Moisturize dry and sensitive skin with lemon and sweet almond oil.

Mix ¼ cup of beeswax, two tablespoons of coconut oil, and ¼ cup of sweet almond oil in a bowl. Melt well, then leave to cool, then add a cup of aloe vera gel, a spoonful of vitamin A oil, two drops of lemon essential oil, and six drops of orange essential oil.

After mixing the ingredients well, the mixture is used on the skin and the rest is stored in the refrigerator and used as a cream later.

Third: Moisturizing dry and sensitive skin with a mixture of rose water.

A cup of flower leaves is mixed with a little rose water and left to boil, then the resulting water is filtered and cooled, then mixed with two tablespoons of aloe vera gel and stirred well.

The skin and face are painted with the mixture to moisturize and nourish dry skin and get rid of pimples, and the rest of the mixture is kept in the refrigerator.

Fourth: Moisturize dry and sensitive skin with a mixture of milk and olive oil.

Mix a quarter cup of whole milk with two tablespoons of olive oil and two tablespoons of lemon juice well.

Then the mixture is used to moisturize and soften dry and sensitive skin and the body, get rid of dead cells, whiten the skin as well, and get rid of acne.

Fifth: Moisturizing dry and sensitive skin with a mixture of aloe vera gel and rose water.

Mix a spoonful of aloe vera gel with two drops of rose essential oil and a spoonful of water and mix the ingredients well and then use it to moisturize the skin.

Sixth: Moisturizing dry and sensitive skin with a double moisturizing mixture.

Melt a quarter cup of shea butter, then add two tablespoons of any skin-nourishing oil, such as avocado oil, apricot oil, sweet almond oil, or jojoba oil.

Then the mixture is placed in the refrigerator to cool slightly for ten minutes. Ten drops of sage oil are added with five drops of tea essential oil, ten drops of lavender oil, and five drops of carrot oil. After mixing the ingredients well, they are placed in the refrigerator until they freeze and then used to moisturize the body and skin significantly.

Seventh: Moisturizing dry and sensitive skin with a nourishing strawberry mixture.

Mash the strawberries well in a blender, then mix them with a quarter cup of milk and a spoonful of lemon juice well. Then apply the mixture to the skin and leave for half an hour.

Eighth: Moisturizing dry and sensitive skin with a mixture of avocado and honey.

Puree the avocado in a blender well and then mix it with a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of lemon juice, and a glass of milk. The mixture is placed on the skin and left for half an hour, then the face is washed with cold water.

Ninth: Moisturizing dry and sensitive skin with an oat mixture.

Mix ¼ cup of cooked oats with two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of aloe vera gel well. Then the mixture is placed on the skin, left to dry, and then washed with cold water.

Tenth: Moisturizing dry and sensitive skin with a lemon mixture.

Mix half a cup of pure water with two drops of lemon essential oil, two drops of glycerin, and two drops of lavender essential oil, then apply the mixture to the skin and leave it overnight.


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